She is the one light up the place when its dark and sorrow.
She got that impeccable smile that make the world go round and round.
She's a well-mannered girl who want thing to be neat the way she wants.
She will do her best if she really wants that something.
She's the one that everyone adores because of her way of treating others.
She is caring and always sharing good times when together.
She the one that make my life with sunflowers and colourful ballons around.
She the one that i enjoy having fun dining to places we never been.
She the one i always want to be on every summit we went.
BUT what i like about her.
She's the one that make me not give up on what i really want.
Honestly I'm not a perfect person.
I can't just be the person that you really want.
But from the bottom of my heart, i can improve myself and be the one that you want it to be.
Cause i know i will never give up on someone special like you.
And i really do....